August 2, 2013

  • What you can expect out of me from Xanga 2.0



        Very soon, Xanga 2.0 will be here, and if I understand correctly, since I’m a LIFE member, that means I’m in, at least for a little while (if anybody would like to tell me, that would be cool).

        But as many of you know, I haven’t been blogging on here as much as I used to, and as I have a fairly demanding job, and a wife and two children under the age of two, I don’t exactly have as much time to “blog” in the traditional sense as I used to.  Especially considering a project I’m working on.

        I am working on writing a series of books called Banana the Five.  The concept for them is as ridiculous as the name sounds.  Effectively, it’s a bunch of warrior bananas and other unusual creatures out to save the world.  Despite the goofy nature of the concept though, it isn’t being written as a comedy, but rather expecting to reader to assume that all the ridiculous things you are reading about are plausible and normal within the universe they are in.  It’s honestly very difficult to explain in too few words on here… but basically, my announcement is that I will be using my Xanga 2.0 account as a creative space for working on this project.  Here you may find blurbs, brainstorming sessions, graphics, and music all pertaining to the work I am doing.  As I will be attempting to eventually publish and sell these books if I can, I will not be posting the full novels here, although I wouldn’t be surprised if numerous excerpts show up.  Additionally, I have a group of friends working on a video game that is being developed more or less simultaneously with my writing, so beta images from our work on the game, as well as some of the game’s music will show up, along with lots of concept art and other fun things will make appearances. 

        Anyways, if any or all of this sounds appealing or interesting or just curious to you, please continue following me on here, and you’ll likely see some pretty strange stuff.  Otherwise, don’t expect TOO much else out of my continued blogging here (although it’s entirely possible I could bust out a standard blog every now and then)

        There has already been a lot of work made on this as I’ve been working on it for a couple months (with a brief hiatus recently that is now effectively over)… so I can start you guys off with some teasers of what’s been going on:

Comments (1)

  • it’s amazing how five years ago feels like just yesterday – when xanga was a part of my life and you were a bibrant part of all that. Xanga 2.0 here we come

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